iOS 14’s AR App Will Take Advantage of These ‘Cosmic’ Apple QR Codes

Gobi AR Apple iOS 141 Credit: Josh Constine
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Over the past several months, we’ve had a steady stream of leaks about iOS 14. When we thought we knew it all, ex-TechCrunch writer Josh Constine steps forward with screenshots from iOS 14 reportedly showing off Apple’s new augmented reality app and QR codes the company plans to use with its AR ecosystem.

According to Constine, Apple has been working on an augmented reality app, codenamed Gobi. The codebase includes references to a shopping comparison feature that Apple could use to enhance a user’s shopping experience.

There were references to Starbucks, which suggests the Gobi app could be used to offer discounts and other features for users based on their proximity to a Starbucks location.

Constine also detailed a new QR code system using colored codes. The QR codes Constine accessed were able to open up webpages for the Apple Watch, and the Mac Pro could launch the Star Wars: Rogue One movie in iTunes and the sign-up page for Starbucks.

Constine also released a YouTube video where he unveiled some of the new sounds and vibrations found in the Find My app. These audible cues will be used to help people locate their devices, letting them know when they are getting close to their devices.

You’ll hear encouraging sounds when you face the right direction, so the lost gadget is “Ahead” of you, when you’re “Nearby,” or come within “Arms Reach”, while discouraging tones hint that you’re headed off course.

Josh Constine

Other leaked features include a revised Home Screen, support for AirTags, and a new fitness app. Apple’s Messages app also may let you react to a message before it is delivered as well as directly mention someone in a conversation.

Apple likely will unveil iOS 14 at WWDC 2020 in June. The worldwide developer’s conference will be held virtually this year due to concerns over COVID-19. As it has in the past, the company is expected to release iOS 14 to developers shortly after the conference. It then will make the software available to the public sometime this fall.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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