Designer Creates Fully Functional ‘Apple Mirror’

Designer Creates Incredible 'Apple Mirror' Concept
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Apple Watch. Apple TV. Apple Mirror? While that last device may not be an official Apple product (yet), one designer and web developer has created a concept of what it could look like. New York-based Rafael Dymek based his fully functioning, touchscreen-equipped “smart mirror” on the iOS 10 user interface, and it’s complete with a variety of apps like Facebook Messenger, Netflix and NBC News. He showed off the custom Apple Mirror in a YouTube video from September, see it below.

Dymek’s Apple Mirror concept can do basically anything that any other iOS device can, from requesting an Uber to controlling smart home products and playing music on external speakers. The device automatically “goes to sleep” after 45-seconds and goes back to being a regular mirror, but the iOS 10 interface pops up as soon as the touchscreen surface is tapped. Apps are arranged on either side of the mirror, but are movable by simply tapping and dragging. Conveniently, the time, date and weather are consistently displayed in the top corners. While one of his concept images seems to indicate Siri support, he didn’t show off such a feature in his video.

As noted on his website, Dymek created the mirror purely as a personal project — and it’s in no way being used for any commercial reasons. So you won’t be able to buy a bespoke Apple Mirror directly from Dymek, which is a shame because the other “smart mirror” options on the market definitely aren’t as elegant or intuitive. On the other hand, there are actually quite a few tutorials online showing off various methods of creating similar DIY smart mirrors.

While some may decry a smart mirror as a frivolous or unnecessary luxury, you can’t help but admit that it’s an extremely cool concept. And who knows: maybe Apple has taken notice, and is already working on its own smart mirror behind the scenes. At this point, we can only speculate.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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