Shure Claimed iOS 11.3 Is Coming Next Week, But Don’t Count on It

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A third-party microphone manufacturer is claiming that the final release of iOS 11.3 is due out next week — but you should take that with a grain of salt.
Shure, which produces professional-grade audio recording hardware in addition to iPhone-compatible microphones, made the claim in a tweet responding to a user inquiry on Feb. 23. Specifically, Twitter user ISO50 asked Shure about an issue with the MV88, a condenser microphone made for iOS. Reportedly, the microphone “randomly stops working after 30 seconds.”
In response, Shure said that the issue was introduced with the iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X, but will be patched in iOS 11.3. In the response, the microphone maker said the iOS version is “due out next week.” That tidbit of information was first spotted by tech blog PiunikaWeb.
Why They’re Probably Wrong
It seems pretty unlikely that Apple will roll out the final release of iOS 11.3 by the end of February. For one, Apple says the iOS update is due out “in the spring.” Technically, that timeframe doesn’t start until mid to late March.
Additionally, the current beta of iOS 11.3 still has the Feedback app, which Apple typically removes in the version directly prior to a final release.
There has also been only three beta version of iOS 11.3 since Jan. 24. Usually, Apple will seed at least six beta builds over a larger timeframe before a public rollout.
It’s possible that Shure was referring to a beta version of iOS 11.3 that could be seeded to testers next week. But whether that’s the case is currently unclear.
Apple certainly could have reassured the third-party firm that the microphone bug has been corrected in the upcoming OS. But release timeline predictions made via customer service aren’t often accurate. There were likely various opportunities for miscommunication along the way.
If that wasn’t enough, as of the writing of this article, the original Shure tweet making the claim seems to have been deleted.
In other words, you probably shouldn’t place any bets that iOS 11.3 will hit devices next week.
iOS 11.3 Features
iOS 11.3 is a big upgrade to the mobile operating system. It introduces features like battery health information, the option to disable performance throttling, new Animoji characters, and a variety of other updates and tweaks.
[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]