Hidden Videos Reveal Upcoming iOS 11 Features

Hidden Videos Reveal Upcoming iOS 11 Features
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Earlier this week, iOS developer Guilherme Rambo allegedly discovered “a couple of videos” hidden deep within the latest iOS 11 beta. The videos, both of which can be viewed below, appear to demonstrate certain Control Center and app-switching functionalities that Apple may or may not release in the final public build of iOS 11.

In the first video below, you can see Apple’s redesigned Lock Screen and Notification Center for iPhones on iOS 11, which can be accessed by pulling down the Lock Screen from above and swiping left as shown. What’s unclear is what Apple plans to implement in the final version of iOS 11, however, as current iOS 11 beta builds allow for slightly different swiping functionality.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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