Verizon Is Giving Away High-End Phones to Users Who Switch to New Unlimited Plan

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Literally within hours of revealing its all-new ‘Unlimited’ plan Monday afternoon, Verizon Wireless has launched yet another enticing promotion that’s sure to attract the attention (and pocketbooks) of customers looking to get their hands on the latest phones.

For a limited-time, new customers who opt to take advantage of Verizon’s new ‘Unlimited’ plan, will be able to trade in their existing smartphone, and in exchange, will receive one of the carrier’s hottest smartphone offerings for free. And when we say ‘hottest’, we’re talking some of the most advanced and feature-packed smartphones currently available.

Which High-End Phones Can I Choose from?

  • Apple’s iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • Google’s Pixel or Pixel XL
  • Moto Z Droid
  • Moto Z ‘Force’ Droid
  • Samsung’s Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge
  • LG V20, and more

How It Works

After walking into your local Verizon store and making the trade, customers will receive up to $792 in bill credits; and while those credits won’t begin posting to your account for 2-3 bill cycles, they will nevertheless be applied, as a reimbursement for the new device purchase over the course of 24 months.

You’ll have to switch over to Verizon’s new ‘Unlimited’ plan, which features monthly rates starting at just $80 for one line, $120 for two, $160 for three, or $180 for four. Additional lines can be added thereafter for just $20 apiece, with a limit of 10 lines per account.

Subscribers will also have to enroll their account in auto-pay, which will automatically charge a linked debit/credit card or deduct from a checking account each month.

Here’s the Catch

Here’s the catch, though: Verizon is being rather picky in regards to what models can be traded in under the terms of the promo — and it should also be noted that only devices in functional condition will be accepted. While it would certainly be amazing if you could finally get rid of your battered-up Blackberry Bold or Samsung Galaxy S2 and get a brand-spanking-new device in exchange, Verizon is unfortunately limiting eligible trade-ins to the following devices:

  • Apple’s iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6s and 6s Plus
  • iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
  • Samsung’s Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge+
  • Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge
  • Galaxy Note 5
  • LG’s G5 and V20
  • HTC 10

Have a different device but still want to take advantage of this offer? Verizon will also accept the following superb and fully-functional phones with the addition of a $5 per month surcharge.

  • iPhone SE
  • Galaxy Note 4
  • Galaxy S5
  • LG G4
  • V10
  • HTC One M9

Will you switch to Verizon ‘Unlimited’ or look into other offers from competitors like T-Mobile?
Let us know in the comments!

Featured Image: ARStechnica

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