How to Create Stronger Passwords

Despite how important your password can be, most of us just take it for granted and use what feels easy.
How to Create Stronger Passwords Credit: Girts Ragelis / Shutterstock
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We live in a time in which we do everything online. Whether it’s simple things like buying groceries or more delicate actions like transferring money, you’re probably using your computer or smartphone to do everything. 

One thing’s for sure, though, if you’re using a platform online, chances are you have your own password and email to take care of. 

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However, despite how important your password can be, most of us just take it for granted and use whatever feels easy for us. Unfortunately, those passwords that are easy for us might be easy for people to crack too. 

If you don’t want to lose control of your personal accounts, and don’t want to make it easier to crack your passwords, here are some tips you need to follow. 

Make Your Passwords Long

Using simple, one-word passwords is a big no-no in today’s day and age. Avoid using a short password that could be easy for people to crack. 

That means avoiding using one-word passwords, just a small string of numbers, or a simple date. Instead, try using a lot of different words or a phrase to make it harder to crack. 

Use Numbers and Characters

This should be a given at this point, but you should always try to use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to make your passwords stronger.

What’s great about a lot of platforms like Google is that they force you to create passwords that include special characters. But you should always use special characters like !*@#$+%^&, or any other character the platform allows, even if you’re not forced to use them. 

Use Capital Letters in Not-So-Obvious Places

Alongside using numbers and characters, you should always try to use capital letters on all your passwords. 

However, you don’t need to use them at the beginning of a word like we’re used to. So, instead of using “MyPassword” as your password, you can mix things up and use “mYpAsSword.” That way, you make your password a lot harder to crack, as people won’t know where the capital letter should go.

Create Phrases That Make No Sense at All

When people try to access your accounts, they’ll use simple words or phrases first. So a great way to make your passwords more secure is using a phrase that no one would expect. 

You can try using something silly like “IlefTmYJoelatHome.” It makes no sense, and it’s silly enough that it might be easier for you to remember. Of course, as we mentioned before, add some numbers and special characters too, and also follow the next tips.

Try Using Sentences as Passwords

Using sentences with a lot of different words, numbers, and characters will make your password extremely hard to crack. 

Instead of just using a phrase, why don’t you try a complete sentence that’s difficult to figure out? No one will try to guess such a long password. 

Use Spaces in Your Passwords

It’s not very common to use spaces between words in your password, but that is the idea. The less common your password is, the better for you.

So instead of using “mypassword,” you can try using spaces and write “my password” as your password (FYI, we don’t recommend you use “password” as your password).

Avoid Using Important Dates

Using important dates as a password is a bad idea. Usually, many people use dates like your kid’s birthday or your wedding anniversary, but that’s just a bit too obvious and easy to figure out. 

Likewise, avoid using dates like Independence Day or Christmas. If people know you love those days, that’ll be one of the first passwords they use. 

Instead, why don’t you use a date that virtually means nothing to you or a lot of people? For instance, you could use a date like “March 28.” That date doesn’t mean much to a lot of people, and if it doesn’t mean a lot to you, you can use it, and it’ll be harder to crack. Of course, you shouldn’t just use March 28 as a password. Combine it with other words, numbers, and characters. 

Don’t Just Use Names of People You Care About

Just like dates, using the names of your kids, parents, or significant other is a pretty bad idea. That’ll be one of the first things people will use to guess your password. 

You can add an important name or date to your password, but make sure to mix it up with something else. Use a sentence like “March 28 was the first time I met my dog,” and use special characters, digits, and capital letters to make them even stronger. There are a lot of ways to play around it, but make sure to make it incredibly hard to figure out. 

Avoid Using Keyboard Patterns

Using keyboard patterns is the easiest way to make a password, but it’s also the easiest password to crack. 

Avoid using patterns like “qwerty,” “123456,” “0000,” and so on. These passwords are so easy to crack and are some of the most common passwords people use to this day. 

Don’t Use the Same Password on All Your Platforms

Ok, so you’ve created the perfect password that’s pretty hard to crack. What’s next? Start creating other passwords for the platforms you use. 

Yes, it’s a hassle, and it’s even hard to remember all your different passwords, but if someone manages to get a hold of one of your passwords, you won’t have to worry about them accessing all your accounts. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially with your data. 

Change Passwords Regularly

You might also want to try changing your passwords regularly. Again, it might be hard to remember all your passwords, but this will guarantee that no one will have access to your most delicate accounts. You should at least try changing your password for the most important platforms you use, like your online bank account or your online broker.

If you have trouble remembering all your passwords, you can try using a password manager to help you keep your passwords safe. 

Use Two-Factor Authentication

Two or multiple-factor authentication features are an extra layer of security for your most important accounts online. With this feature, it isn’t enough that someone gets a hold of your password; they’ll also need your permission to access your account completely.

Most popular platforms and social media websites have two-factor authentication, so you can set it up in just a few taps. It might sound like extra work, but it’ll be worth it. 

Strengthen Your Passwords

Some of these tips might sound silly or impossible to follow, but that’s the idea. Most people overlook making their passwords more secure, which is why many people get hacked or scammed. 

You could be one step ahead of cyber criminals and make your passwords something so silly and senseless that it’s hard to crack.

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