Apple Just Released iOS 11.3 (But There’s a Catch)

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[Update 3/29/18 10AM: As of Thursday morning, iOS 11.3 has been officially released to all users with compatible devices. Learn about all of the new features in iOS 11.3 here.]

Read the original article below.

If you’ve been waiting eagerly for the latest version of iOS, you’ll have to wait a little longer. Unless you have a sixth-generation iPad that is..

According to MacRumors, Apple released iOS 11.3 today, but only for Apple’s latest iPad. Seeing as the iPad was just announced (and available to order) yesterday, it’s likely many people won’t get their hands on the official version of iOS 11.3 until the end of the week.

Seeing as it’s not likely anyone has the new iPad yet, it’s possible Apple will be rolling out iOS 11.3 to the rest of us at the end of this week or early next week.

iOS 11.3 has several new features, including iCloud support for Messages and a new version of ARKit.

What’s New?

  • iCloud support for messages will store texts and iMessages in iCloud to free up device storage and better sync conversations.
  • ARKit 1.5 will bring major improvements to Apple’s augmented reality (AR) platform. With the latest version of ARKit developers will be able to take advantage of vertical and irregularly-shaped surfaces. Higher resolution camera pass through will be available and they will also be able to integrate real world objects—such as signs—for an interactive experience.
  • Additionally, businesses will be able to use Business Chat to interact with users via iMessage.
  • iOS users will gain new battery insights through the Battery Health feature.

Coming Soon to an iOS Device Near You

Keep an eye out for iOS 11.3, it may be just around the corner. Once available you’ll find it in the Settings app under General > Software Update.

In the meantime read our guide on how to prepare your iOS device for the new update and check out this unique accessory that makes reading and watching your favorite shows on iPad more comfortable than ever.

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