Apple Card Users Earn Daily Cash Credits After Frustrating iPhone 13 Pre-order Glitch
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Many Apple Card users ran into issues while attempting to pre-order the iPhone 13. Various error messages appeared on the screens of those who wished to pay with their Apple Card, forcing them to use a different payment method.
Apple apologized to its customers via email and is giving Daily Cash credits to those affected.
When an Apple product is purchased with an Apple Card, users get 3% of their purchase back in Daily Cash and 0% interest rate – so, everyone affected by the Apple Card processing system bug missed out on those perks while pre-ordering the newest iPhone.
The Apple Card is the most advantageous credit card for Apple purchases, so of course, this situation is frustrating. In an attempt to make amends to Apple Card users, Apple sent out an email stating the following:
You successfully completed your iPhone pre-order with a payment method other than Apple Card. We understand that your initial purchase attempt with Apple Card was declined and you didn’t earn 3% Daily Cash.
We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced and want to make it up to you. We are providing you a credit for the Daily Cash on the initial payment of your iPhone 13. You’ll see this appear as a Balance Adjustment in the Wallet app. This will also appear on your October monthly statement.
It seems like bugs are getting the best of Apple as of recently. Along with this Apple Card processing system bug, there is also an iOS 15 bug deleting photos from the Messages app. What’s next?