How to Mail Drop on iPhone

Mail Drop iPhone
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Sending and receiving large files on your iPhone can be tricky. With size limitations slapped onto every email, attaching videos, professional pictures or multiple documents becomes a hassle when you have to split your attachments up into several smaller emails and, oftentimes, not possible at all. Thankfully, Apple has made the transfer of these large files extremely easy with Mail Drop.

Mail Drop bypasses your email’s regular size limitations by uploading your attachments to your iCloud and then sending the link to download those files in an email. While you do still have a 5GB limit, Mail Drop allows you much more space to send your favorite files easily. Complete this easy task in a few simple steps:

  1. Locate the file you wish to send.
  2. Apple AirDrop Photo Sharing

  3. Select the “Share” option. Your iPhone will begin preparing the file for upload.
  4. How to Mail Drop on iPhone
    How to Mail Drop on iPhone
  5. Due to the large size of the file, it will then prompt you to either “Use Mail Drop” or “Try Sending Attachment.” Select “Use Mail Drop.”
  6. How to Mail Drop on iPhone
    How to Mail Drop on iPhone
  7. Finish composing your email and send to your desired recipient(s). They will receive a link to the full file (as long as it’s no larger than 5GB) that will remain active for 30 days. After the 30 days, the file is automatically deleted to save space in your iCloud.

Other how to Mail Drop Resources:

Read Mail Drop Guide
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