Phone Addiction Is Real | 9+ Tips to Shed the Dopamine Urge

You’ve probably heard it before, but you can actually be addicted to your phone. Unfortunately, many of us are already addicted, even if we don’t know it already.
Just like any other addiction, your phone can be addicting because of the dopamine your brain releases when you use it. This chemical makes you feel good and makes your brain crave more dopamine by doing the same thing you did before: browsing social media, playing games, watching movies, you name it.
Unfortunately, the more dopamine you release, the more tolerance your body creates against it, making it hard to have that good feeling you did before, even though you’re doing the same thing on your phone.
So if, for instance, your body used to release dopamine simply by using your phone for 30 minutes, now it might need 45 minutes to do the same. In the future, it might need one hour, then two hours, and so on.
Unfortunately, just like every addiction, this happens automatically. If you’re not careful, you might have an addiction to your phone without even noticing it.
The good news is that there are things you can do to stop the dopamine urge. Read on for 9 tips for stopping your phone addiction before it begins.