WWDC 2022 | Leaked Features and Changes Coming to iPadOS 16, macOS Mammoth, watchOS, and realityOS

iPhone 14 Apple Watch Series 8 and iPad Pro Family Lineup Concept Render Credit: Konstantin Milenin / Twitter
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iPadOS is something Apple really needs to work on. The iPad probably has the best hardware of any tablet on the market, but its software causes some serious bottlenecks. I find it unacceptable that an iPad with an M1 chip can’t edit video professionally because Final Cut isn’t available for this operating system –and that’s just one of many examples I could give you to explain why iPadOS is negatively impacting the iPad. With that being said, let me tell you what you can expect in the next major iPadOS update. But first let’s talk about compatibility.

iPadOS 16

As far as I know, iPadOS 16 will be compatible with the same devices as iPadOS 15, so unless Apple changes something, I don’t think anyone with iPadOS 15 will be left behind, which is always a good thing. Now let’s talk about the features!

We’ll finally see something we’ve all wanted for years: a true iPadOS multitasking system.

So far, I’ve heard from my sources that Apple is working on floating windows that you can use simultaneously with your iPad. Kind of like a computer with multiple windows open.

This is fantastic news for all of us… Right? Well, not quite. My sources indicate that this feature will only be available on M1 (and soon M2) iPads, and while I can understand that, it’s pretty annoying.

Another feature I’ve heard about is interactive widgets, but something tells me that will only happen if Apple announces them for iOS 16 as well. It would make perfect sense for the iPad, but despite the different features, the Cupertino-based company wants consistency between the two operating systems.

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Read More: WWDC 2022 | Leaked Features and Changes Coming to iOS 16

Last but not least, I want to tell you about an alleged Control Center redesign. My sources claim that Apple is working on it, but they couldn’t confirm yet whether it’ll make it into the final version or not. The Control Center looks and feels like a mere copy of the iPhone, and it needs to look like it was designed specifically for the iPad, and that’s something Apple needs to resolve as soon as possible.

macOS Mammoth

It looks like this will be the final name for the next macOS. I’m excited to see Craig Federighi announce the final name. I love the creative stories he uses and how funny they are. Although I’ve missed them over the past two years, I really hope they come back. Who doesn’t remember “macOS Weed” or “macOS Rancho Cucamonga?” Those were great times. Anyway, let’s get to the features!

I’ve heard that macOS Mammoth will be all about performance. Of course, there will be a few visual changes here and there, but I’ve heard that Apple wants to get everything they can out of the latest Apple silicon chips. That makes perfect sense, but I miss some features like widgets and changes to the dock and apps. We’ll see what happens, but you should keep in mind that Apple will mainly work on performance.

watchOS and tvOS

First, let me say that I have no idea what’ll happen with tvOS. My only source that knew anything about it told me a few months ago that he no longer wanted to be a source. I have to respect that, so I can’t give you many more details.

As for watchOS, you can expect some improvements to Health and some redesigned faces with new complications, but nothing crazy. Unfortunately, Apple has a problem with this OS, and with the Apple Watch, they aren’t very capable of improvement in the short term unless the company changes its focus on the device, which I don’t think it will.

There aren’t many other sensors that can be incorporated. Apple wants to add a blood pressure sensor, but that will take some time. The same goes for the blood glucose sensor.


This could be the most important announcement from Apple this year. I can’t reveal many details yet, but it’ll be the beginning of the AR/VR era for the Cupertino-based company. After that, the company will launch its mixed reality headset. I haven’t yet been able to confirm whether or not Apple will talk about realityOS at the Worldwide Developers Conference in June, but Mark Gurman suggests iOS 16 will be full of hints about it. I’ll try to keep you posted before the event.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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