New Evidence Has Leaked Suggesting OS X Will Rebrand to macOS

New Evidence Has Leaked Suggesting OS X Will Rebrand to macOS
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More evidence has recently surfaced suggesting that Apple is looking to change the name of their OS X operating system back to macOS.

Back in April, a Brazilian Apple blog discovered an interface builder in OS X 10.11.4’s system folder, containing a “macOS” designation in the filename. Two weeks later, another reference to “MacOS” popped up in an update to one of Apple’s webpages – a FAQ regarding Apple’s environmental initiatives referred to product cycles of “MacOS, tvOS… iOS and watchOS devices.” The page was quickly updated to replace “MacOS” with “OS X”.


Many argued that the name change from “OS X” back to “MacOS” – the name of Apple’s Macintosh operating system from 1996 to 2001 – makes sense in order to match the naming conventions of Apple’s other operating systems. The iPhone, iPad, and iPod operating system is known as iOS, the Apple Watch operating system is known as watchOS, and the Apple TV operating system is known as tvOS. OS X is currently the black sheep in the Apple family – changing the name to “macOS” (with a lower-case m) would only be logical. And that’s exactly the name that “accidentally” popped up on one of Apple’s developer websites this morning.

A FAQ page intended for developers referenced “iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS apps” this morning in a section regarding revenue-sharing policies for developers. Just like the mistake back in April, Apple was quick to update the page, changing “macOS” back to “OS X”.

While this certainly isn’t proof that Apple is looking at a name change, today’s gaffe adds to the mounting evidence that we may soon see a “macOS” release taking the place of an “OS X” release in the very near future. It’s also quite possible that Apple is intentionally planting evidence of the change as a teaser of what’s to come – something Apple has been known to do in the past. Either way, we probably won’t have to wait long to find out, as Apple will likely release an update to OS X at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference starting next week. The conference will likely also see a new version of iOS, and possibly new versions of watchOS and tvOS, as well.

What do you think about OS X’s rebranding? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Photo Alexey Boldin /

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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