Finally! Base-Model iPhone 7 Expected to Feature 32 GB of Storage

Finally! Base-Model iPhone 7 Expected to Feature 32 GB of Storage
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As our digital lives have proliferated over the years, so too has our tendency to purchase smartphones and tablets that boast more and more in-built storage. This is a growing trend that several smartphone manufacturers have caught onto — as many of the big-grand players — such as Samsung, for instance — have seriously upped the ante in recent generations of their most popular handsets.

But Apple, for whatever reason, has been somewhat stagnant in its efforts to compete with phones and phablets that, out-of-the-box, feature a considerably higher quantity of gigabytes at their user’s disposal. Indeed, the Cupertino-company has stuck pretty steadfastly to the bare-bones, bottom-of-the-line, 16 GB model as its base iPhone offering for years now — and, well, we all know that upgrading isn’t necessarily the most cost effective way to mitigate the storage disparity.

Fortunately, however, for all you gigabyte hungry content fiends out there, a bit of good news appears to have come our way this morning — courtesy of an IHS Technology analyst, who in a major case of “spilling the beans” on Chinese social media, informed his friends and followers that the forthcoming ‘iPhone 7’ will in fact, feature 32 GB as a base-model option.

“WOW! It’s about time, Apple!” you might be muttering under your breath, and we certainly stand beside you on that sentiment. If the news turns out to be true, this would be the first major storage jump since the base-model iPhone 4 was upgraded to 16GB in 2010, from the iPhone 3Gs’ 8 GB the year prior.

As for IHS Technology — the firm whose analyst originally shared the 32 GB report, they have a fairly reliable track record when it comes to accurately predicting future iPhones and their features. Last year, for instance, the firm was the first to come to the table with news that Apple would soon be releasing a revamped 4-inch handset — which, as many of us know, ultimately came to be the iPhone SE.

Of course, we recommend taking this news with a huge grain of salt until further notice — particularly because one analyst review, in and of itself, is hardly sufficient evidence that users ought to start jumping up and down in excitement. But still, I think we stand with the majority or disgruntled iPhone users when we suggest that now is definitely the time for Apple to include more storage.

It’s been years since the Silicon Valley tech-giant has introduced a storage bump in its base-model offerings and, well, needless to say, times have certainly changed.. What remains unclear at this stage in the game, though, is how exactly the prospected 32 GB model would shift Apple’s inherent 16/64/128 GB spread. However, recent rumors have also suggested that the company will be releasing a whopping 256 GB, top-tier model, as well —so, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how that all works out when the highly anticipated, though likely not too dramatically overhauled iPhone 7 comes to market later on this fall.

What do you think about Apple releasing a 32 GB, base-model iPhone 7? Let us know in the comments!

Featured Photo: @LenixAd

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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