Everything You Need to Know About the New 27″ iMac Pro for 2022 | Speakers, Display, Pricing, Release Date (+ More)

iMac Pro Concept Render 2022 Credit: @mi_konstantin / Twitter
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The new iMac Pro has been rumored for a long time, and we’ve seen a lot of leaks and predictions about it in recent months. Here we’ll pull it all together, separate the fakes from the facts, and hopefully help anyone who wants to buy this computer and is unsure what it will feature or when it will launch. So let’s get to it.


First, let us talk about the display. I can confirm that this new iMac Pro will have a 27″ mini-LED display. This display will also support 120Hz ProMotion refresh rates. It will be very similar to the display on the 14″ and 16″ MacBook Pros announced in October and the 12.9″ iPad Pro announced in April 2021. However, this display will have fewer mini-LED zones than those, according to display analyst Ross Young, who is incredibly accurate.

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I do not expect this display to have a notch, and while it could, I personally have not heard of any internal prototypes with such a notch.

The chassis of this iMac Pro will be very similar to the 24″ iMac, although I have heard that the chin will be slightly smaller, and there will be a Space Gray-colored version.

The bezels will also be black instead of white. I think this is part of Apple’s strategy to make regular products look somehow worse than “Pro” devices to make people buy the latter even when they don’t need it, but that’s just my opinion.

It has been described to me as a very well-designed product. Something that exudes professionalism while looking great. In my opinion, the design team did a great job this time around. I think the team took all the feedback they could from the 24″ iMac and used it to create an improved version of it.

Specs, Speakers, and More

The iMac Pro will be available in M1 Pro and M1 Max configurations, as expected. There will be three RAM options, 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB, as well as up to 8TB of SSD storage.

I have heard that the speakers inside are fantastic. Even better than the ones in the 14″ and 16″ MacBook Pros. I am pretty sure Apple will use a large portion of the keynote to talk about them. Two different sources have called them “the best they have ever heard.”

The same goes for the microphones; they will be awesome. Computer manufacturers will have a hard time even coming close to what Apple is doing here. Audio is something that’s usually left behind by most manufacturers, so I’m glad Apple is pushing that way.

This is really a device for professional use. There will be active cooling, and the fans may be a little audible, but that will be minimal and under an extremely heavy load—nothing to worry about. Although I’ve heard it can get quite hot, but since people won’t have it on their lap like they could do with a laptop, or close to them, it’s not that big of a deal.

I am told there will be a few ports –mainly Thunderbolt 4. Adding an SD card to the side is also being considered. I have not heard anything about an Ethernet port, but I’d be surprised if it was not there. Either in the chassis itself or using the same system as the 24″ iMac. It will be powered the same way as the 24″ iMac and the redesigned Mac mini.

Price and Release Date

Finally, let us talk about the price. Do not expect it to cost less than $2,499. This iMac Pro is seen as a device to substitute the 27″ one. It won’t be as expensive as the 2017 iMac Pro, but it’ll be more expensive than the current Intel model. This will be a very expensive computer, and most of you reading this article probably will not need such a monster. However, if you really need it, you should grab it because it will be worth every penny.

There were many rumors saying that the iMac Pro would be launched during the Apple event in April. Unfortunately, I can confirm that you will have to wait a bit longer if you want to buy one.

I heard that technically it will be ready in September because there’ve been some issues with the production of the display. So there are three possible outcomes. Apple could announce it during the 2022 Worldwide Developers Conference and launch it in September, it could wait and announce it during Apple’s September event along with the iPhone 14, or it could save it for later and launch it in late 2022 or early 2023. However, I think that’s highly unlikely. I see the first option as more plausible than the others, but we shall see.

I really hope this article has helped you clear all your doubts about the 27″ iMac Pro. Let me know what you think about it and if you plan to buy one when it hits the market. Have a fantastic day. Thanks so much for reading!

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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