Apple Watch Series 7 Will Get Larger 41 and 45mm Displays, Rumor Says

Apple Watch Series 7 Concept iDrop News Credit: iDrop News
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As we wait for Apple to announce the Apple Watch Series 7, we’ve been following all the rumors about what Apple may be changing for the latest edition of its smartwatch. Now a new report has surfaced with a particularly interesting (and likely) change for the Series 7: Things are getting bigger.

The report originated at Weibo, which has dropped some interesting Apple rumors in the past as well. The creator of this post, Uncle Pan, has been accurate about previous assertions, too. Here, the poster directly says that the Apple Watch Series 7 will have two updated models: a 41mm display for the smaller version, and a 45mm display for the larger version.

Now, while Apple Watch’s size certainly has some impact depending on the size of your wrist and similar concerns, there’s another important reason for potentially increase the size of the Watch face itself. This allows Apple to offer larger displays on the Apple Watch which are capable of including more detail and allow for easier use of the touchscreen.

Why is this particularly likely? Because Apple has done it before.

Earlier Apple Watches came in two sizes at 38mm and 42mm, but by the time the company had reached the Series 4, it had updated the model to larger 40mm and 44mm sizes.

Again, the reasoning behind this change was largely the same – Apple wanted to offer Watches with bigger displays that could show information more clearly and at a distance. And as the number of WatchOS apps continues to grow, along with the “Complications” that can be added to your watch faces, there are more reasons than ever to consider increasing the display size once again.

If you’re wondering how much different a millimeter here or there can make, it’s hard to say – but on a screen this small, even a little bit of extra room can provide valuable clarity for more complex apps and watch faces.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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