Apple Might Announce These Four New Macs at WWDC 2022, Sources Claim

MacBook Air Concept 2022 Credit: Konstantin Milenin / Twitter
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According to people connected to the matter, Apple could announce four Macs at WWDC – although it’s not clear whether Apple will announce all four or not. Either way, I’ll introduce them to you.

Mac Pro

Apple has been working on the Mac Pro for some time now; the company even teased it at its last event, and there’s no better place than the Worldwide Developers Conference to unveil such a computer. It makes perfect sense.

It’s not technically ready yet, but hardware products announced at WWDC aren’t usually available until a few months later, and given the current production problems Apple and its partners are going through, this scenario is plausible.

As I said before, this Mac Pro could be unveiled along with a new mini-LED display.

MacBook Air, MacBook Pro

Apple could use this event to talk about the new M2 chip and even announce the new MacBook Air and/or MacBook Pro. My sources still say these MacBooks won’t launch until Q3, but that won’t stop Apple from unveiling them in June.

Mac mini

As I just told you, Apple could unveil the M2 chip at this event, and there’s a Mac mini with an M2 chip ready for unveiling. I don’t know if this will be the redesigned one or not.

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My sources indicate that a “Pro” Mac mini will launch sometime this year or next, so I’m not sure if there will be a redesign this time. If I had to bet, I’d say that the Mac mini will look exactly like the current one, but I hope I’m wrong.

I’m excited to see what Apple announces next, and I’m looking forward to the new operating systems. If you have any questions, please let me know via Twitter.

Let me know what you think about these new Macs in the comments below. I hope you found this article helpful. As always, have a fantastic day.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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