WWDC 2018 Goers Can Partake in an Exclusive Apple Watch Challenge

Close Your Rings Apple

Image via Apple

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In addition to all the forthcoming software updates and new product announcements, Apple has a special surprise in store for developers and those in attendance at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2018 next week.

For the duration of WWDC 2018, Apple is launching a special Close Your Rings challenge designed specifically to motivate developers to close their Apple Watch activity rings each day of the week — with daily challenges beginning on Sunday, June 3rd and running through Thursday, June 7th, 2018.

How to Participate

Developers interested in partaking of the WWDC challenges will need to download the Challenges app from Apple’s iOS App Store and sign up via Apple’s developer website to obtain a unique invitation code. 

Individual calorie goals for each activity are determined by the participant’s weight, and Apple is allowing participants to join a team of up to four friends in completing the challenges and earning points. And if each member on a given team closes their rings each day, the team can receive bonus points towards their ultimate goal.

How to Earn Points

One point will be issued to each participants for each 1/12 of the Move ring that’s closed a given day (36 points max.)

One point will be given for each 1/12th of the Exercise ring that’s closed in a given day (36 points max.);

One point will be issued for each 1/12th of the Stand ring that’s closed (14 points max.). 

Meanwhile, participants will earn 12 bonus points if they’re able to close all three rings on the same day, and teams will earn an additional four bonus points for each teammate who closes all three rings on the same day.

Prizes and Terms

On Friday, June 8th, Apple will hold a special awards ceremony live from the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California, where awards will be distributed to individuals and teams who earn in excess of 200 points through the duration of the challenge.

Apple doesn’t mention specifically what prizes will be given out to those who meet or exceed the threshold, but considering some of the company’s past concessions and depending on the number of participants partaking of it, winners in this Close Your Rings challenge could possibly walk away with a new t-shirt or limited-edition Apple Watch band.

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