Verdict on the Amazon Prime Video App for Apple TV Is Still Out.. But Here’s Why..

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Despite the fact that many users of Apple’s 4th generation Apple TV are anticipating the release of an official Amazon Prime Video app for their freshly produced set-top boxes, there’s been a tremendous amount of back and forth between the two companies — particularly in recent months.
On the one hand, Apple and Amazon — two very distinct, though nonetheless powerful players up in Silicon Valley — have thus far encountered a number of obstacles in their efforts to deliver the highly-anticipated app to Apple TV users. On the other hand, however, a fully-fledged Amazon Instant Video app for Apple TV was recently discovered to already be in development.
“So what gives?”
Well, according to the slight details of Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos’ speech at the annual Re/Code Conference on Tuesday, an official Prime Video streaming app will remain restricted from being released on “any and all” set-top boxes (including the Apple TV) that don’t bear his company’s name — but only until these companies can agree upon more harmonious monetary terms.
“You can always get the video player on the device. However, acceptable business terms is another story,” said Bezos in an exclusive interview with The Verge. The Amazon Chief Executive also added, in response to a question about his perception of fairness in regards to Apple’s customary 30% share of all App Store purchases, “private business decisions should stay private.”
Well, gee, he couldn’t possibly been more ‘matter-of-fact’ than that, could he? Probably not.. But, of course, Amazon is clearly in no rush to release its long-rumored Prime Video app — considering that the e-commerce giant currently has a consortium of its own, self-branded tech gadgets available on its website — including the Amazon Fire TV, and the more recently introduced Fire TV Stick. But even still, there’s no denying that if an amicable deal is ultimately reached, both companies could stand to benefit tremendously — particularly when taking into consideration that over 25 million Apple TVs have been sold and over 54 million customers have signed up for Amazon Prime.
So it essentially boils down to a matter of math — both in terms of potential users, as well as potential revenue.
Although, for what it’s worth, there appears to be a more contentious disagreement brewing up in Silicon Valley. Sure, Amazon will likely entertain the idea of restocking its digital shelves with Apple TV and other competitors, once a more agreeable resolution is reached. However, we wouldn’t recommend holding your breath for too long, folks, because that could ultimately mean “later than sooner” — and we’d sure hate to see you get your hopes up like that, you know?
What do you think about the new Apple TV? Love it? Hate it? Let us know in the comments!