Various iOS 10.2 Users Report Battery Issues, Slowdowns, and Random Reboots

Various iOS 10.2 Users Report Battery Issues, Slowdowns, and Random Reboots
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Apple’s latest operating system update — iOS 10.2 — brought a host of changes, updates and improvements to iOS. But it also may have caused unintended side effects for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch owners. Our users’ comments under last week’s iOS 10.2 update article show even more insignt into problems, bugs, and issues associated with the latest verison.

Cupertino went through a rapid-fire beta testing process, releasing seven beta versions over the last month or so. While that undoubtedly allowed Apple to squash many of the bugs present in the new OS, some might still have made it through. It’s still early, and iOS 10.2 likely hasn’t settled yet, but here is a list of issues that have been reported so far.

Quite a few users have reported battery drain issues since upgrading to iOS 10.2. Similarly, some have taken to Twitter to complain that previous battery issues haven’t been resolved by the new update.


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