‘Twitter Blue’ Is Twitter’s New Paid Subscription Service | Why Does It Matter and What Does It Do?

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There were many rumors about it, but Twitter Blue is now a reality. Even though it isn’t available worldwide, Twitter already started rolling out its new subscription service. At first glance, most of us wouldn’t even think of paying to use social media, but Twitter Blue offers a good amount of features that might make it worthwhile for some people. Before Twitter Blue becomes available to everyone outside of Canada and Australia, here’s what you need to know about Twitter’s subscription service.

What’s Twitter Blue?

Twitter Blue is Twitter’s new monthly subscription service that will work for the most part as regular Twitter but comes with additional perks and features that Twitter added based on users’ ideas. As of right now, Twitter Blue is only available for iOS devices in Canada and Australia and people can access this service for $3.49 CAD or $4.49 AUD. Twitter says that Twitter Blue will be available for Android devices and other regions in the near future, but we don’t know precisely when that will be.

What Perks Does Twitter Blue Have?

Even though there aren’t many perks available right now, the ones Twitter Blue currently has might be worth your money. Starting with Undo Tweet. Yes, it means you can finally correct your Tweets before they go live.

Keep in mind, though; it isn’t an edit feature. Instead, Undo Tweet gives you a small time frame of up to 30 seconds where a small Undo button will appear before the Tweet. If you tap the Undo button, your Tweet will go back to the Tweet composer, where you can make changes or not post the Tweet at all.

You’ll also be able to preview your Tweet before it goes live, and it works with initial Tweets, a reply, or Threads. That’ll give you the chance to fix the typo or mistake you made, but you can’t correct mistakes for previous Tweets or edit a Tweet after it goes live. 

Twitter Blue also offers Bookmark Folders which will let you organize and save your bookmarks in different folders or categories, so they’re easier to find and manage from your iPhone.

The third major perk is Reader Mode which will let you read long threads by turning them into plain text without any other buttons or options available.

Other Twitter Blue features include customizable app icons for your iPhone’s Home screen and different color themes for the app. You’ll also get access to exclusive subscription customer support. 

Does Twitter Blue Have Ads?

Unlike pretty much every paid subscription service, Twitter Blue will continue to show ads just like the free version.

Twitter says that “Ads will continue to fund our ability to innovate as we grow this new part of our business.”

Twitter also says that it’s a learning process based on user feedback, but it doesn’t seem like Twitter Blue will remove ads any time soon.

What Will Happen to Free Twitter?

Fortunately, for most of us, free Twitter isn’t going anywhere. Twitter Blue will only offer special features for its users, and it’s only meant to help you customize your Twitter experience, not displace the free version.

Free Twitter isn’t going away and never will. Twitter Blue simply offers an opt-in layer of customization to give you more creative possibilities for your Twitter experience. 


Twitter Blue won’t become Twitter, so you don’t have to worry about losing your account in case you don’t want to pay for this service.

When Will Twitter Blue Be Available in the United States?

Twitter Blue is still a work in progress, and Twitter is probably trying to improve it before it releases it to other countries, including the United States.

Unfortunately, you’re going to have to wait to bookmark your Tweets or undo your replies. How long, I hear you ask? Well, we’re not quite sure yet. At the time of this writing, Twitter hasn’t said officially when Twitter Blue would be available in other regions. But it’s coming “soon.”

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