Thoughtless Man Detained by Airport Police for Carrying Pistol Look-Alike iPhone Case

Thoughtless Man Detained by Airport Police for Carrying Pistol Look-Alike iPhone Case
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If you’ve been following any of the mainstream media outlets, particularly in recent years, then you’ll likely know how much of a controversial, bi-partisan divide has been forged when it comes to anything relating to, or pertinent of, firearms — whether that be actual sales, government attempts to regulate them, or the actual use of guns to inflict harm on innocent people.

So perhaps it goes without saying that, if anyone were to so much as bring up the sheer topic of guns in any capacity, a contentious argument, or even punishment is bound to ensue, right?

Well, of course! And, as for the socially oblivious gentleman who was recently traveling out of London’s Stansted Airport — well, let’s just say he’s learning this invaluable lesson the hard way.


According to police reports, the unidentified man was confronted and detained by airport security police officers because he was allegedly carrying his iPhone in a case that resembled an actual handgun. Of course, a cheap novelty item like that would, under normal circumstances, be considered “cool” by most friends and family. However, in today’s high-tension, terror attack and spontaneous civilian shooting laden day and age, perhaps you can see why this was almost certainly a very, very bad idea on the gentleman’s part.

However, even though no dramatic or reprehensible acts were committed by the man (seeing as how the case was just a plasticky gimmick), he could still end up being charged by police, either way — simply for carrying an imitation firearm in public.

As Essex, England Police noted in a Twitter post related to the incident, the man could be charged in accordance with the United Kingdom’s Section 5 and/or Section 19 ordinances — which have to do with public order/conduct, and possession of an imitation firearm in public, respectively.

Of course, seeing as how the world in which we live has become so embroiled by firearms, as a concept, perhaps this gentleman’s blatant stupidity doesn’t come as much of a shock?

After all, this instance certainly isn’t the first to have caused a municipal uproar and subsequent action by the police officers of a sovereign nation. Just last year, for instance, it was reported that a Canadian man was apprehended — with tasers and rifles, believe it or not — for being in possession of a similar handgun-styled iPhone case in public.

Also, as of last year, Amazon and several other online smartphone accessory retailers have taken all gun look-alike cases off their shelves, altogether.

What do you think about this gimmick gone awry? Let us know in the comments!

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