This Gorgeous Porsche Comes with Apple Music Built-in

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Apple Music really isn’t just for Apple users anymore. As Apple shifts into promoting its services, it’s also pushing to make sure those services are embraced well beyond the walls of its own garden. While Apple Music has already been leading the pack, Apple clearly intends to make sure that it gets as big of footprint as rival music services across a wide variety of platforms, and now it’s coming natively to at least one in-car infotainment system.
As reported by TechCrunch, Porsche has announced that its new all-electric Taycan sports car will feature Apple Music as a standalone service, marking a first for Apple’s streaming service, which has previously only been available on the dashboard via Apple’s CarPlay system.
The Taycan will naturally feature Apple CarPlay as well, but the Apple Music integration is more than just letting you plug your iPhone into your car and streaming from there.
Instead, there will actually be a standalone Apple Music app on the Taycan’s dashboard, giving owners full access to all of Apple Music’s content and features, including the 50-million song library, Beats 1 radio, and curated playlists, right from the car’s touchscreen display or even via its own voice assistant, where they can call up songs, albums, playlists, or radio stations with standard voice commands.
Deeper Integration
Porsche is taking it even deeper than just an app icon on the digital touchscreen, however, and it’s worked with Apple to make the experience as seamless as possible, even going so far as to link the user’s Taycan ID with their Apple ID so that they won’t need to sign into Apple Music separately. Thanks to iCloud Music Library, users will also see the same content and playlists in the Taycan Apple Music app as they see on their iPhone.
The Taycan is also just the start. Porsche North America CEO Klaus Zellmer told TechCrunch that the company plans to add Apple Music into all of its new vehicles that are capable of handling streaming services. New and existing Porsche owners will also be given a free six-month subscription to Apple Music once the app becomes available in their vehicles. Taycan owners will also be given three years of free in-car internet access to access the service, so that customers won’t have to worry about data consumption while streaming.
‘A Natural Fit’
Zellmer describes Apple as being a “natural fit” for Porsche, since both companies share very similar ideologies in their focus on design, technology, innovation, and even closed systems.
Generally speaking, we always want to be in control of that system for privacy reasons. We don’t want our customers to be approached with marketing or advertising messages that are not relevant or adequate. We will always be very cautious about whom we grant access to our digital ecosystem in our cars. Another reason why Apple is our partner is because they have exactly the same attitude.
Klaus Zellmer, CEO, Porsche North America
For example, while Porsche has embraced Apple CarPlay, it’s one of the few automakers that doesn’t support Android Auto, and it’s similarly choosy about what other apps and services it chooses to put on the screens in its vehicles. This gives the new Apple Music app a unique placement, and while there’s no doubt it will be joined by others in the future, there probably won’t be too many others.
It also seems that many of Porsche’s customers agree, with over 80 percent of U.S. Porsche customers already owning an iPhone, many of which are already Apple Music subscribers.