Several iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Users Have Reported Display Issues Known as ‘Touch Disease’

Several iPhone 6 Plus Users Have Reported Display Issues Known as 'Touch Disease'
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Technology is a fascinating concept, is it not? Regardless of whether you’re referring to the latest and greatest smartphones, the hottest new computers, televisions, or other handheld gadgets — the innovation never ceases the amaze us. However, nothing that fascinating is without its faults, right? Sometimes technology fails us. And it’s in the midst of those trying tech times that we often seek guidance from an expert or qualified technician.

Well, that’s a lot easier said that done, unfortunately; especially if you just so happen to own one of Apple’s technologically “advanced” iPhone 6 and 6 Plus handsets. An increasing number of disgruntled users have reported experiencing issues with lately, when trying to navigate the device’s display.

As reported by several iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users who spoke directly to representatives at Apple’s Genius bar, and was subsequently confirmed by the whimsical wizards over at iFixIt, some of Apple’s 2014, plus-sized handsets appear to have been beset by a rare abnormality — one that’s embedded deep within the device’s internal design structure.

According to the guys over at iFixIt, the flaw — which is almost certain to be related to a logic board design malfunction — appears to effect iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users, predominantly, and is evidenced in the raw when a mysterious flickering bar of grayscale appears at the very top of the iPhone’s display — while, at the same time, rendering the display, itself, completely unresponsive.

If you’re experiencing this issue, perhaps the natural first course of action would be to just take the device into an Apple Store for assessment, right? Well, the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus is almost 2-years-old by now – so if you were an early adopter, then chances are your handset is no longer even covered by the standard 1-year warranty..

However, if you purchased an AppleCare+ protection (or another, 3rd party) plan, then you may still be in luck! Some users have also reported success with rectifying the issue by applying a bit of pressure to the display, itself. However, 9 times out of 10, doing such is merely a temporary fix — and has even been reported to worsen the issue when it ultimately does return.

Surprisingly, Apple has yet to do anything to rectify the issue — nor even offer a statement of acknowledgement to any effect; however, if your device is covered under warranty, or extended warranty, than you’ll likely be able to get a replacement with little trouble.

Alternatively, since there is no solution for the apparent “touch disease” — other than to physically replace the entire logic board, altogether, you might be better served by upgrading to either the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, the forthcoming iPhone 7 Plus, or perhaps the iPhone SE, if you’re looking to take a walk on the smaller side for a change.

I just find it rather bizarre that Apple has yet to even address the issue in a statement — let alone, offer up a solution. On the other hand, if the only viable solution, according to iFixIt, is to simply purchase a new device, then what can you really expect to hear from Apple?

Have you experience this apparent “touch disease” on your iPhone 6 Plus? What have you done to rectify it? Let us know in the comments!

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