RIP Clunky, Annoying Volume Indicator – Apple Finally Fixed It in iOS 13

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Users have been asking for it for years. As of iOS 13, Apple has finally delivered. In the new software update, there’s a redesigned volume HUD.

The previous volume indicator, which has long been an unfortunate hallmark of iOS, was objectively clunky and covered a large display of the middle of the display. It was especially annoying when you’re viewing videos or other content that you’d rather not obstruct with a clunky interface.

As we’ve mentioned, users have been complaining about said HUD for quite some time. Now, it’s been completely redesigned.

iOS 13’s New Volume HUD

When you change the volume in iOS, a much smaller volume slider bar (like the one in control center) will appear on the left of the display while in portrait mode or at the top in landscape mode.

This slider bar functions just like the one in Control Center. You can actually tap on it to change the volume via touch.

But after a second, the Control Center-style volume indicator minimizes to a small volume bar. (Again, it’s either off to the left of the display or at the top depending on orientation.) All in all, it’s a much cleaner and less clunky volume HUD.

It’s a fairly quiet addition, and Apple didn’t spend any time at WWDC describing it. But users who have downloaded the first iOS 13 betas quickly discovered it.

And based on the reactions from Apple Reddit and other social media platforms, this is a long-awaited and welcome change to iOS.

What Should Apple Change Next?

Now, as many iOS users have mentioned, all Apple needs to do is redesign the incoming call pane. Currently, when a call comes in, it takes up the entire display and can’t be exited without declining the call.

Many users have suggested that the incoming call notification should be like a standard notification banner at the top of the screen, which can be swiped away without actually ending a call (an important consideration in the era of spam calls).

On that note, an intrepid Redditor actually redesigned the new volume HUD to “be more in line” with the incoming call pane. Yes, this is a joke. But it definitely illustrates what Apple needs to change next.

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