Is AppleCare Worth It? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Shattered Cracked Iphone 8 Plus Credit: iDrop News / Elijah Waeterling
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If you’ve recently bought or looked at a new Apple product, you probably came across AppleCare, the service plan that Apple offers when you purchase a new iPhone, iPad, MacBook, etc. As a buyer, you may be tempted to click past or ignore all AppleCare offerings, passing them off as stuff you would never waste money on. But wait! AppleCare is more than just a warranty. Here we’ll explain why.

When you purchase an Apple product you automatically get a free one-year limited warranty of 90 days (this applies primarily to defects and serious flaws, not subsequent damage) which includes free technical support via telephone. This is called AppleCare. However, you can choose to augment and extend that service with two additional plans, the AppleCare Protection Plan and AppleCare+.

What Are the Differences Between AppleCare Plans?

1 AppleCare Protection Plan

The Protection Plan simply extends the standard free warranty on your product from one year to two or three years. You typically get three years for Mac or Apple display product, and two years for a mobile product like an iPad or iPod. This particular plan is not available for iPhones.

2 AppleCare+

AppleCare+ is designed to extend coverage for certain devices and the particular hazards that they face – this applies specifically to iPhones and Macs only!

This coverage extends the warranty for your new iPhone to two years and extends your technical support for the same amount of time. It also improves coverage to cover up to two accidents where you can replace a screen (with a small deductible), replace other components (with somewhat larger deductible), or trade the phone in for a new model. However, the warranty still doesn’t cover theft or loss. Prices for AppleCare+ vary depending on the generation of iPhone that you are buying, but it’s usually around $130 to $200.

So, when should you consider either of these service plans for your new Apple product? How do you know it won’t be a waste of money? To help you make up your mind, here are several signs that you really should consider an additional AppleCare plan:

Reasons to Consider AppleCare Protection

1 You Tend to Keep Your Mobile Devices for a Long Time

Maybe you’re the sort of Apple fan who loves to keep your devices for years and years. The new models that come around every October may tempt you, but you hold fast: You may be several generations behind everyone else, but you know what you like! If the time finally comes to replace your old model, you should seriously consider getting an AppleCare plan. The screen replacement option in particular makes it easy to keep your phone for longer even if something bad happens, and you will get more value out of the extended warranty for other issues than someone who replaces their Apple device every year.

2 You Have Broken Quite a Few Phones in the Past

Are you a little tough on your iPhone or iPad? Do you use it regularly for your job, or do you love pulling out an iPhone to document all of your adventures? If so, you’re probably more at risk to damaging your phone than the average buyer. It’s likely that you’ve dealt with cracked screens and dented devices in the past. This is a sign that AppleCare+ may be a good choice for you – because you know there’s a good change you’ll make use it of sometime in the next couple of years.

3 You Are Buying the Latest and Greatest Model

Apple repair costs vary depending on what product you have, which can get a little tricky at the high-end. Repairing an iPhone X, for example, can be much more expensive than repairing an iPhone 8. That means you could end up saving more money on Apple’s highest-end models by choosing AppleCare+ rather than winging it and paying repair costs as they come along. It’s not such an important consideration for older or cheaper models, but if you are buying the best of the best then you should consider an AppleCare+ plan to reduce any future repair costs.

4 You Don’t Like the Idea of Monthly Payments

This is more of a minor issue, but it’s worth pointing out that AppleCare payments are a one-time fee, plus a deductible for certain repairs. That means there are no monthly fees to calculate or worry about paying throughout the length of the warranty. This stands in contrast to other device insurance plans, such as those offered by carriers, which typically come with monthly fees and other financial concerns. AppleCare is simpler and worry-free in comparison.

5 You Aren’t Worried About Theft or Losing Your Phone

Again, AppleCare plans don’t cover theft or misplacing your phone. It’s worth considering how likely this is with your lifestyle. If you travel a lot for business (or fun), that increases the chances of your phone getting stolen, or losing your phone in a place you can’t get it back from. Likewise, if you have a busy life and have lost a few phones in the past, AppleCare may not be the best plan for you to consider.

Learn More: Do You Really Need Insurance for Your New iPhone? Or Is It a Scam?

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