Here’s How to Get iOS 13 Right Now

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Earlier this week, Apple unveiled iOS 13, the latest update to its mobile operating system. And it’s jam-packed with awesome new features.

Technically, iOS 13 won’t be out for at least a few more months. But what if you don’t want to wait to try out all of iOS 13’s features?

The update is currently in beta testing, meaning you can try it out before its officially released. Here are your options.

Get a Developer Account

As of the writing of this article, there’s only one way to get the latest iOS 13 beta — and it isn’t free.

The first iOS 13 beta is currently available, but it’s a developer beta. That means you’ll need to sign up for a paid Apple Developer account to download and install it on your device. That costs $99 a year.

If you’re still interested in enrolling in Apple’s Developer Program, you can do so here. As long as you pay the fee, anyone can sign up to be an Apple developer.

New or existing Apple Developers can download the first iOS 13 beta as an over-the-air update on a device if the proper configuration profile is installed.

Or Wait for the Public Beta

If you’d rather not pay for an Apple Developer membership, you can simply wait for the public beta version to drop. Apple says the first public beta is coming in July.

Apple’s public Beta Software Program is free to join — and you can do so here. Once you sign up for it, you’ll be able to download and test out the latest public beta versions of Apple’s software.

Developer betas and public beta builds are functionally the same, but dev betas typically drop a day or so before Apple releases the public testing version.

Or Wait for the Final Release

As we mentioned, the best course of action for the average iOS user is to simply wait it out. Apple will release the final public version of iOS 13 sometime in the fall.

Typically, the release of the software coincides with Apple’s annual iPhone keynote — but a firm release date hasn’t been set in stone yet.

*Beta Disclaimer

As we mentioned, the final version of iOS 13 isn’t really available quite yet. iOS 13 is in its beta testing phase, which means that the current version that you can download now is unpolished.

While Apple software releases have become more stable since iOS 12, there’s always the chance that betas can contain critical bugs. Even if they don’t, beta software is typically bad for battery life, can break your apps and occasionally causes random restarts.

Because of that, we don’t recommend installing beta software on your daily driver or any other “mission critical” devices. At the very least, make sure to perform a full backup of any device before you install beta software just in case anything goes wrong.

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