T-Mobile Beats Rivals Verizon and AT&T with Blazing Fast 5G Speeds

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T-Mobile is often regarded as the scrappy wireless carrier picking up the crumbs left behind by market leaders Verizon and AT&T. Now that 5G is on the rise, these roles may have shifted with T-Mobile apparently mopping the floor when it comes to network speeds, according to data from OpenSignal.
OpenSignal measured speeds across multiple cities, including Chicago, Houston, New York City, and Washington DC. In these urban areas, T-Mobile leads in 5G coverage as well as 5G speeds both for uploading and downloading data.
The speeds measured in the cities averaged 218 Mbps and maxed out at a whopping 315 Mbps in Washington DC.
T-Mobile only stumbled in the 5G video experience, an area where Verizon excelled. AT&T lagged behind the other wireless carriers in all categories.
OpenSignal focuses on real-life experiences from actual customers using their mobile phones on the network in cities being tested.
Among those testing, most (49 percent) were connected to T-Mobile’s Ultra Capacity 5G, while only a measly 5 percent were connected to Verizon’s Ultra Wideband 5G.
“Last year we blanketed the country in 5G, and now we’re layering on the capacity and speed. We closed out 2020 with over 100 million people covered with our Ultra Capacity 5G and we will extend this deployment nationwide by the end of 2021.”
Neville Ray, T-Mobile president of Technology
T-Mobile has the nation’s largest 5G network with coverage that extends across 1.6 million square miles and 280 million people.
The company’s Ultra Capacity 5G network, which delivers the fastest network speeds, covers four times more area than Verizon and 2.5 times more area than AT&T. This is only the beginning with plans to expand this network even further in 2021.