Android Nougat Rumored to Be Released Aug. 5 for Nexus Phones, Next Month On New LG V20

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Google is apparently gearing up to release a finalized version of Android 7.0 Nougat in the next few days, according to a new leak.

The leaked release date came from Evan Blass, who tweeted on July 29 that Nougat would be released for Nexus devices alongside the Aug. 5 security patch.

Although no rumors are guaranteed to be credible, it’s worth noting that Blass has a long history of releasing accurate leaks about phones. So there’s at least a good chance this leak is legitimate.

Along with the release date, Blass noted that Nougat would be available for any phone that can run the current beta versions. Unfortunately, that means that Nougat won’t be available to Nexus 5 owners.

Another sign that Google is getting closer to releasing the final build of Android 7.0 comes from a Reddit user.

The Redditor, who wanted to downgrade from an Android Nougat beta version, accidentally downloaded a confidential Android N update that seems to have been meant for Google employees, according to BGR.

The Reddit user said that the phone was purchased second-hand, and some Redditors theorized that it was bought off of a Google employee — which would explain the Google-specific update.

Even if the Aug. 5 release date turns out to be true, the first phone that’s apparently going to ship with Android 7.0 Nougat pre-installed is LG’s upcoming V20 handset — expected to hit shelves sometime in September, according to The Verge.

And although Nougat could be released on Friday, that won’t mean that all Android phones will be able to run it this week. Phone manufacturers and wireless service providers need to do thorough testing of the update on all of their devices before it’s officially rolled out, according to CNET.

But Google typically rolls out a new update on its own Nexus phones, typically long before it’s available for other Android devices

In either case, an August release date is good news for Android users — the earlier rollout will give smartphone companies more time to test and update their flagship devices to a stable version of Nougat, BGR reported.

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