DJ Moby Claims He Invented the iPhone and the iPod

Dj Moby Ipod Credit: Image via Apple Ads Channel
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Step aside, Jony Ive and the Apple design team. Renowned DJ and record producer Moby claims that was the mastermind behind the iPod and iPhone, reports Cult of Mac.

When the American music icon isn’t shifting millions of albums around the globe and filling his bank account with heaps of cash, he’s apparently inspiring tech companies to come out with their biggest inventions yet.

Speaking to the Guardians Sophie Heawood to promote his upcoming studio album, the musician revealed that he had called on Apple’s bosses to launch a music product years before they unveiled the iPod.

He also said that he came up with the idea of an Apple-branded phone that could do everything: calls, music, games, the internet. The Cupertino-based tech giant would then eventually launch the iPhone – in 2007.

In the lighthearted interview with Heawood, Moby explained that he had told Apple’s music marketing boss Jimmy Dickson that the company should have its own MP3 player.

But Apple was already working on plans for a portable music player. Steve Jobs would go on to hand Moby the company’s first iPod, an experience that surprised him.

He said: “A year or two later they brought me to a hotel room at the Crosby in New York, handed me the first iPod and said: Steve wanted you to have this.”

If that wasn’t enough, he also warned Apple that the iPod would need to have phone and photography capabilities in the future. The tech firm played down his idea, though.

“I said: You do know at some point this is going to have a camera and a phone attached to it? And they laughed at me and said that could never happen,” he reminisced.

Moby added that he’s been reluctant reveal the somewhat mad story to the world just in case people didn’t believe him. The celebrity said he was “hesitant to talk about this because it sounds either like nonsense, or self-aggrandizing”.

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