Demo the Apple Watch Now Via Your Browser

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While the much-anticipated Apple Watch won’t be released for several months (most reports say March), there is a website that allows you to simulate the operation of the watch in your browser.

The website, called Pipes’ Apple Watch, is a marketing tool by the same team that brings us the Pipes News App. The demo is quite limited, but will let you click through the interface a bit, and will give you an early look at how many of the apps will look on the Apple Watch screen.

Many of the apps on the homescreen aren’t interactive – clicking on them will just bring you to a static image representing how the app will look on the watch’s interface. Some of the apps, however, are interactive. The music and video apps are functional (albeit limited), and the Pipes app is nearly fully functional.

The Pipes’s Apple Watch can be viewed at It should be noted that this demo is not officially endorsed by Apple, and may be available for only a limited time. Head on over and take a look while you can – it’s the best Apple Watch simulation we’ve seen so far.

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