Certain ‘Vintage’ iPod Models are Now Valued at Nearly $100K

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If you’ve ever teased a friend for being a sucker for collecting action figures and keeping them sealed in the box, you might want to take up his hobby. Collecting stuff for many of us is part of our DNA. There are people like to collect and keep safe different things in hopes they’ll be worth much more in the future. In the last few years, Apple products have fetched a high price, perhaps more than you might expect.
Take, for example, the 30GB U2 edition iPod Classic. It sold for $349 when it was released in 2004, according to Daily Mail. Reportedly, the old iPod sold for $90,000 a decade later, though there is a catch, the iPod was still in the original packaging.
The Guardian also documented a man named Michael Freedman who built a collection of iPods. “He has one of every type of iPod ever made, from the first generation Shuffle and Nano to the third-generation classic, all in their original packaging. His collection started when he received an iPod as a gift, but didn’t use it. “It was something special for me because it was an original Apple product,’” he said. “I remember that I was afraid to open the box. I was impressed.” Freedman goes on to say, “I hold them because I wanted to own something special.” Wolf says Freedman intends to sell his collection so that he can start a new and different collection, “of old phones for example.” Any of these items could be worth a fortune to a motivate collector.
It does make one wonder what kind of products will go up in value? Certain things, like rare video games, vintage clothing, and hard-to-find comic books, can still generate a lot of value in the used market. Sometimes these items become rare because they are discontinued, driving up the price of the item from when it was in production. Comic books are perhaps the most common collectible with one tear or bend ruining its value.
How do you figure out what will go up in value? Make an educated guess. Perhaps The Apple Watch might not be a bad bet, but certainly no one is going to want to buy an old and unopened MacBook or iMac, would they? There is currently a bid on eBay for an Apple II computer with an asking price of $2,495 and there are several eBay members watching the listing. In 2014, it was reported that a factory-sealed 5GB first generation iPod Classic sold for $20,000 on eBay – Which sounds insane, especially for something the collector will never use.
What cool things do you collect? Let us know in the comments.