Apple’s iPhone 6s Has One Huge Advantage over the iPhone 7

Benefits of iPhone 6s
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I recently told you about how I decided to purchase an iPhone 6s Plus, quite literally, on the exact same day that Apple’s latest iPhone 7 flagship hit store shelves.

For the record, I still have and use my shiny Gold iPhone 6s Plus, day in and day out. I’ve actually come around to love the device, which incorporates many of the newer, hallmark features including 3D Touch, most notably. And while the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus, boast a myriad of technological advancements over the iPhone 6s, the reason that I decided to go for the 6s Plus instead of holding my breath for the iPhone 7 to start trickling into stores is because I knew — beyond the shadow of a doubt — that Apple’s forthcoming iPhone 8 is just around the bend.

Well, while a whole year might be considered a long time to wait for something so amazing like the OLED-equipped iPhone 8, I have to concede that I didn’t really touch upon the actual, bottom-line reason that I decided to go for the 6s Plus over the 7 Plus — and that would be almost entirely because of the price disparity between them.

As we all know, every time Apple releases a refreshed version of its products, the previous-generation typically drops in price. In the case of the iPhone 6s Plus amidst the iPhone 7 Plus’ release, the price dropped by about $120 — since the iPhone 7 Plus, at $769 for the base model, is precisely $120 more than the $749 turned $649 price tag of the base-model iPhone 6s Plus.

Okay, so $120 isn’t exactly “the end of the world” or anything — but when you’re going through life paycheck-to-paycheck every last dollar adds up at the end of the day — let me assure you of that!

I also think one needs to consider what works best for them, especially in relation to the overall scope of Apple’s business model. Cupertino, barring any notwithstanding variables, will almost certainly be releasing at least ONE — but perhaps as many as three — iPhones a year moving forward, with the OLED-equipped iPhone 8 rumored to be the most prolific, top-to-bottom, inside-out, complete reengineering of the iconic handset since its original debut at Macworld 2007.

Now, I don’t know about you guys; but personally, knowing the rate at which Apple’s technology “evolves,” I’d say the iPhone 6s Plus, and the standard 4.7-inch 6s, are offered at a truly fantastic price, on an equally fantastic handset — one that boasts a litany of features sure to keep it relevant for several years to come. Or, in my case, at least another few months until the iPhone 8 comes out and changes the game entirely.

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