Apple Buys Ultra-Popular Dark Sky Weather App, Kills Android Versions

Dark Sky App for iPhone Credit: Carlos Martins
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Apple has acquired the Dark Sky weather app and will be shutting down the Android and wearOS versions. Dark Sky co-founder Adam Grossman announced the acquisition today in a blog post on its website. One of the best weather apps available, Dark Sky is now called Dark Sky by Apple.

In his post, Grossman said Dark Sky’s goal “has always been to provide the world with the best weather information possible, to help as many people as we can stay dry and safe, and to do so in a way that respects your privacy.” Now with this acquisition, Grossman is optimistic that the company can reach more users with the help of Apple.

“There is no better place to accomplish these goals than at Apple. We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to reach far more people, with far more impact, than we ever could alone.”

Dark Sky co-founder Adam Grossman

There will be no changes to the iOS version of the app for the time being. The app is still available in the iOS App Store for $3.99. The Android and wearOS versions are no longer available in their respective app stores.

People who already own the apps and have them installed on their Android or wearOS devices will be able to use them until July 1st. After that date, the apps will shut down. Active subscriptions also will be canceled on that date, and customers will be issued a refund.

Apps that rely on Dark Sky’s API will continue to work until the end of 2021. This only applies for existing developers and apps that use this data. The company will no longer accept new signups, so apps that don’t already use Dark Sky will not be able to tie into the service.

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