iOS 12 Adoption Reverses Course, Now Overtaking iOS 11 Rates

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It’s been a little over two weeks since iOS 12 launched, and the new operating system update is now close to overtaking iOS 11.
As of the writing of this article, iOS 12 has been installed on a little over 46.25 percent of all iOS devices, according to data collected by analytics firm Mixpanel. iOS 11, on the other hand, was installed on 46.57 percent of devices.
That means that iOS 12 is close to overtaking iOS 11 as the dominant version of the mobile operating system. About 7 percent of iOS devices are running an older version of iOS.
And overall, iOS 12 adoption rates have actually outpaced iOS 11 adoption rates recorded this time last year. On Oct. 3, 2017, iOS 11 was installed on just 38.5 percent of devices. That’s nearly 8 percent less than Mixpanel’s 26 percent estimate released today.
Notably, iOS 12 has seemingly reversed course in the last couple of weeks, too. Just 48 hours after it launched, the new update was only installed on about 10 percent of devices — a milestone that iOS 11 reached in half that time last year.
That was puzzling, to be sure, since iOS 12 sports some significant speed and stability improvements over its predecessor. But now it seems that the new update just needed a bit more time out of the gate.
It’s worth noting that Mixpanel data hasn’t always been entirely accurate. At times, the analytics company has overestimated OS adoption rates when compared to official numbers released by Apple. (Though not usually by that big of a margin.)
In any case, we’ll have to wait until Apple officially announces iOS 12 installation statistics before we can compare them to Mixpanel’s data.
As mentioned earlier, iOS 12 is an update that places particular focus on improving the speed and performance of Apple devices (especially aging Apple devices).
Apple has made most system functions smoother and more responsive, and has actually been able to decrease app loading times. On an iPhone 6 Plus, Apple estimates that opening Camera from the Lock screen is about 70 percent faster, while other apps launch as much as 40 percent faster.
While iOS 12 has a few noted bugs, like the one that spawned the so-called “Chargegate” controversy, it’s nowhere near as buggy as iOS 11. Because of that, it’s a solid update that’s well worth a download — particularly for owners of older iOS devices.