How to Improve Productivity with Safari Split View on iPad

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Safari Split View, which enables a split-screen viewing mode, is one of many incredibly useful new features that will be brought to iPad users with the impending iOS 10. It’s similar to Split View, which allows you to view two apps side-by-side, except, well, it works with Safari tabs instead.

The workplace benefits of having the ability to view and toggle between two Safari tabs side-by-side should not be underestimated, not to mention, it just makes a lot of sense. That being said, it has its limitations, working only on landscape mode and limiting you to splitting your screen between two tabs only. You cannot adjust the size of the windows on Safari Split View, which divides your iPad screen evenly down the middle, whereas as standard Split View allows you to adjust the relative ratios of your windows.

You can start using Safari Split View on your iPad now by downloading the publicly available iOS 10 beta or you may patiently await its wider release in September like the rest of us peons.

Without further ado, here is how to start immediately improving your workplace productivity with Safari Split View:

  1. Once you have iOS 10 on your iPad, place it in landscape mode and open Safari.
  2. After that, there are four simple ways to open a web page in Safari Split View:
    1. Press and hold your finger on a weblink until you can select ‘Open in Split View’
    2. Press and hold onto the Tab button at the top-right screen until you can select ‘Open in Split View’ from the pop-up menu
    3. Type CMD+N if you are using an iPad keyboard
    4. If you already have a tab open in your Safari browser, you can drag it to the left or right until it creates a split window.
  3. Just a note that you can also drag tabs between split screens.
  4. Once you have split views open, you can open links in the opposite screen by holding on to the links until a pop-up menu appears and selecting ‘Open On Other Side.’
  5. Finally, once you’re finished using Safari Split View, simply hold onto the Tab button until the option to ‘Merge All Tabs’ appears.

What’s your favorite way to use Split View? Let us know in the comments!

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