How to Fix MacBook External Monitor Issues

How to Fix MacBook External Monitor Issues

Image via Apple

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If you’ve recently purchased a new external monitor for your MacBook, you might notice the default display resolution looks zoomed or terribly grainy. Or in a separate instance, a large black bar could be occupying the the left or right edge of your display. Both of these scenarios are quite annoying, and with that being said, I’ll quickly teach you how to fix both.

How to Change MacBook External Monitor Resolution

In order to make your MacBook’s external display sharper, you must increase the MacBook’s output display resolution. Generally, a higher resolution number means a more crisp picture. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Click the Apple button in the top menu bar.
  2. Click System Preferences.
  3. Click Displays.
  4. Under the Display tab, click Scaled.
  5. Choose the resolution that works best for you. If none of these resolutions look right for your display, move on to step six.
  6. Hold the Option button on your keyboard and then click the Scaled button. This will open more resolutions for you to choose from.

How to Fix Black Bar on External Monitor Connected to MacBook

If you’ve tested every resolution available and your screen is still fuzzy, or it’s still displaying a black bar on the left or right of your display, the issue most likely resides in an unsuspecting place: Your Mini DisplayPort adapter.

Third-Party video adapters (like the ones made by Insignia) will often cause resolution and picture sizing problems. If you’re experiencing issues with your external monitor, and you’re using an off-brand video adapter, chances are the issue will be resolved by returning the third-party adapter and replacing it with a video adapter made by Apple.

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