Location-Based Notifications
There are relatively few apps that even try to tackle location-based alerts, and even fewer do it nearly as well as Apple’s own Reminders. For example, Things doesn’t support the feature at all, while OmniFocus adds a layer of abstraction by assigning locations to tags, and then assigning those tags to individual tasks. On the other hand, both 2Do and Todoist offer more flexible per-task implementations, but they can still be a bit cumbersome to setup.
Reminders, on the other hand, lets you easily assign a location reminder to individual tasks, and it’s one of the very few apps that let you actually specify the radius (on a map) for how far away you want to be when the alert goes off.
As a bonus you can also make it even easier by using Siri, even from an Apple Watch or HomePod. You can say things like:
- Remind me to buy bread when I’m near the grocery store
- Add a reminder to bring in the garbage bins when I get home
- Remind me to refill the wiper fluid when I get in the car
This last one is another portion of Reminders’ secret sauce. Using a Bluetooth or CarPlay connection, your iPhone knows when you’re getting into your car, or out of your car, and can trigger reminders on the basis of that alone.