Why Apple News Should Be Brought to macOS

How to View an Apple News Article in Safari for Mac
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Apple News was one of the greatest new features brought to you by iOS 9, and it’s only gotten better since its iOS 10 redesign. The Newsstand replacement app collects and compiles content and news stories from disparate sources into one mobile-friendly format for the iPad and iPhone.

You can tailor the “For You” news section by following the topics of your choosing, and look to “Trending News” for popular stories that are generating buzz. The app also features support for paid subscription publications like the New York Times, and sends push notifications to you whenever there’s an emergency or must-read breaking story. Users are able to easily share, like, and dislike stories, and get a grasp of the day’s happenings over the course of a few swipes and taps. The more you use it, the better the app gets at curating content for you.

It’s offers a beautiful reading experience, and, especially if you’re on an article specifically formatted for Apple News, it often feels like you’re reading a glossy magazine. Now that the app has been opened to all publishers, it’s safe to say that it will improve by leaps and bounds in the coming years.

So it’s a shame, and kind of confusing, that the Apple News app has yet to come to the Mac. This question has been rebounding through Apple forums since Apple News first debuted late last year.

Now that even Siri has been brought on board with the release of macOS Sierra, it just makes a lot of sense to design a companion version of Apple News for Macs. Besides adding Continuity functionality, it would provide a convenient way to read news articles and magazine subscriptions on the MacBook Pro or iMac. Since Apple News would definitely become an essential Mac app if it were ever designed, we can only hope that someone in Cupertino is tinkering away at it, at this very moment.

Would you like to follow iDrop News on the Apple News App? If so, click here.

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