How to Tweet Quickly from Your iPhone
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Twitter is one of today’s most popular social networking apps. Twitter informs, entertains, and connects millions of people worldwide. The Twitter timeline is accessible relatively quickly through the iPhone app: however, the process to send a tweet can be lengthy.
In order to tweet from the iPhone app the user must wait for their timeline to load, click the new tweet button, wait for the camera roll to pop up, click the blank text area, begin typing the tweet, and finally send the tweet. Twitter users rejoiced when iOS 6 was released September 19, 2012: They discovered an advantageous new feature in the update aptly named “Tap to Tweet.”
Tap to Tweet introduced a small Twitter widget that allowed users to quickly drag the notification panel down, press the Tap to Tweet button, type the tweet, and send. This feature of iOS 6 made tweeting significantly simpler and much faster.
Unfortunately, Tap to Tweet did not grace Twitter users with its presence for long. For an unknown reason, Tap to Tweet was nixed in iOS 7, leaving passionate Twitter users empty handed.
Luckily, an app named Quickiee was created by Manar Alhamdy and released to the App Store on September 19, 2014. Quickiee is a beautiful looking app that places easy to access social media icons in the notification panel. Setting up Quickiee is simple as it connects with the existing Twitter and Facebook accounts stored on the user’s iPhone.
Using Quickiee is easy and efficient.
Step 1: Pull down the notification panel
Step 2: Click the Twitter bird icon.
Step 3: Type and Post!
Quickiee does more than just Twitter: the app can also be used to post to Facebook, send a text message, or write an email.
Zealous Twitter users surely feel dismay for Apple’s decision to disable the Tap to Tweet function. Since its creation, Quickiee has been an easy to use and efficient third-party solution to a modern problem.
Download Quickiee from the app store or find it online here.