MLB’s ‘At Bat’ App Now Plays Game Highlights from Your Lockscreen

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The release of iOS10 and 3D Touch has greatly expanded what users are capable of doing from the lock screens of their iPhones, and developers are far from fully exploiting all the new possibilities. A few fast-moving developers at MLB, on the other hand, have already jumped at the opportunity and expanded iOS 10 support for the MLB ‘At Bat’ application with new features and functionality.

The upgraded iteration of the At Bat app for iOS10, for instance, now pushes video notifications to the lock screen, allowing viewers to conveniently catch game highlights and clips of solo homers in the Notification Center without opening the app itself.

These highlights can be triggered on later iPhone models with 3D Touch capabilities, including the iPhone 6/s Plus and iPhone 7/Plus, by gently applying 3D Touch pressure. Just a note, however, that to view the clips, users still need to get through that pesky lockscreen, but that is still more preferable to going all the way to app itself.

In addition, the At Bat app has a ‘Today’ widget that displays game schedules, scores, and other game stats for your home team. The revamped baseball app also provides a set of sticker packs for iOS 10 messaging, including a generic MLB sticker pack and 30 team-specific sticker packs.

At Bat is MLB’s official app for news, real-time game coverage, and highlights, which is currently available on iTunes and compatible with phones running iOS 8 or later. It’s free to download, though certain enhanced audio and video subscription packages cost between $3 and $25.

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