Video Tutorial: How to Get the Most out of iOS 9

Video Tutorial: How to Get the Most out of iOS 9
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Apple has developed one of the most advanced operating systems available for a mobile device. One of the greatest attributes of iOS is its innate simplicity, while other platforms (like Android) are the opposite.

Android packs many useful, and sometimes useless, features into their operating system for people to enjoy, ignore, and often wish they weren’t ever there to begin with. Apple handles this scenario differently, and only packs in the most useful features within its sleek operating system.

Because iOS 9 is so unpretentious, many great tricks are hidden from plain sight and can easily be overlooked. That’s why we’ve taken a moment to show you some of the fantastic things iOS 9 can do, that you might have never known about.

Learn More5 Things You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Could Do

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