WWDC is Coming! iOS 9 Reveal – New Apple TV, Apple Music, and More

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Its that time of the year again! It’s June, which means Apple’s World Wide Developers conference is getting ready to commence. On June 8th Apple will unveil the software improvements they’ve been working this past year. We expect to see information divulged regarding Apple TV, iOS 9, OS X 10.11, Apple Music, and finally updates for Apple Watch. Remember this is about software advancements, rather than hardware. However, Apple has surprised us in the past. See below what we do expect to see at this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference.

Apple TV


What we know to be true is that Apple is working on a revamped edition of its video streaming device. The new Apple TV is going to include Siri support, more apps, and a traditional TV-like streaming service that might encourage people to break-up with their cable companies for good.

Deals with television service providers have been rough for Apple, causing a set back. Even more importantly, the new set-top box itself isn’t ready. Its clear that the new edition of the Apple TV is going to be a worthwhile upgrade, and could be announced at WWDC, but don’t expect the actual product any time soon.

iOS 9


iOS 9 won’t be a massive overhaul like iOS 7 was, which celebrated the now famous flat interface. Instead, iOS 9 will provide performance upgrades for current and older devices and will most likely sport the new San Francisco font. We can also expect iOS 9 to improve the way our iPhone interacts with Mac and Apple Watch. It is speculated that iOS will also add support for Apple’s newest baby, Force Touch. One of the biggest advancements we are expected to see is Apple’s new “Proactive” technology, which is supposed to provide contextual data across your native apps. An example of this would be setting an appointment in your iPhone’s calendar for the dentist. You set the appointment for 12 pm at 1234 Main Street in Sunnyvale, CA. With “Proactive,” Siri might alert you at 11 am that  “It will take 30 minutes to reach your dentist appointment, would you like me to pull up directions now?”

OS X 10.11

iDrop News OS X 10.11 Macbook air

Mac will most likely receive a software update. Since last year’s Yosemite update was a major overhaul, we expect this year’s update to be more simple, fixing bug issues and including stability enhancements. We might see a new control panel, similar to iOS. This control panel would make it easier to turn on and off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and airplane mode.

Music Subscription Service

idrop news beats music launch iPhone

Apple is looking to take over the on-demand streaming market. Apple spent $3 billion last year to acquire Beats Music (and the popular Beats headphones,) and they’ve been working behind the scenes ever since to improve it into a product fit to take over the streaming format. The new service will likely ditch the free listening tier that remains popular with Spotify, and opt to offer unlimited on-demand streaming for $10/month, the same price as the previous Beats Music service and their rival Spotify. The service will likely be heavily integrated into the next update to iOS

Apple Watch Updates

Apple Watch Home Screen Hourglass new watermark copy

Sadly, the Apple Watch can’t be purchased in person yet. However, we might be receiving news at WWDC regarding the rollout of the Watch in Apple stores. For the lucky few who already have their hands on an Apple Watch ordered online, we can expect a firmware update for your device. We have covered news regarding the newest Apple Watch update in the past, and our predictions seem to be coming true. Word on the street is that the Find My Watch feature is coming to the wearable, along with expected security enhancements. We can also expect apps that are built for the Apple Watch exclusively, that wouldn’t need an iPhone to execute.


The conference lasts from June 8th to the 12th in San Francisco. It is reported that more than 5,000 app makers will be in attendance. Cnet reports that it is extremely important to get the app developers excited about Apple’s new software because Apple relies on these apps for success. Without great apps, the iPhone is majorly flawed. They go on to say, it is the same for the Watch. People won’t spend $350 for any digital watch, it has to have purpose, and it has to make your life better.

Apple is a favorite amongst consumers, as they know an Apple product will be useful, reliable, and will only get better with software enhancements.

Continue checking iDrop News for Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference coverage.

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[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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