New ‘Apple Classical’ Details Emerge

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On August 30, 2021, Apple announced the purchase of a classical music streaming app called Primephonic. The company stated that it planned to bring all of the features to Apple Music “in the coming months” and that existing Primephonic users would be able to use Apple Music for free for six months as Primephonic was discontinued.

Well, it’s been eight months since that announcement, and we still don’t know anything official about it.

If you remember, I wrote several articles last week talking about everything you should expect at the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference in June, and one of the things I mentioned was something called Apple Classical.

Then, I told you I had no idea what this was – but I did a little research and also asked my sources what they thought about it, so let me tell you everything there’s to know about Apple Classical.

Let’s get started!

Apple Classical Details

It’ll be a separate app, as the company has already announced. As far as I know, it’ll be unveiled along with iOS 16 at the next Worldwide Developers Conference and should be available to everyone in September.

Users will have access to a large catalog of classical music and exclusive features like a better browsing experience, detailed viewing of classical music metadata, and lossless and high-resolution audio.

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Will It Cost Extra?

According to my sources, Apple Classical will be included in the regular Apple Music subscription. They also claim that the Cupertino-based company is internally discussing whether or not to offer Apple Classical as a standalone service for $4.99 per month, and while they say it’s unclear which way the company will go, this route would make perfect sense to me.

I don’t think Apple plans to offer Apple Classical as a new feature of Apple Music because then it wouldn’t need a new app. Apple could just add a new tab to the existing Music app for this new service. But if there’s a completely different app for it, it may cost extra.

If we look at the company’s income statements from the last few years, we see that services are one of the most important sources of revenue for Apple, so it makes sense that the company wants to keep investing in them. But that’s just my opinion on the subject, and it’s not from my sources.

Let me know what you think about it in the comments below. I hope you found this article helpful. As always, have a fantastic day.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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