5 Excellent Reasons to Purchase the iPhone 7 Plus Instead of the Standard iPhone 7

5 Excellent Reasons to Purchase the iPhone 7 Plus Instead of the Standard iPhone 7

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2. More RAM — Smoother, Faster, More Capable

More Bad News for Samsung - Galaxy Note 7 Users Are Jumping Ship for Apple’s iPhoneThe iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are both equipped with a generous 2 GB of DDR3 RAM, which is an impressive allotment particularly in light of iOS’ lean yet mean processing capabilities. However, the iPhone 7 Plus kicks things up a notch to 3 GB of RAM — while the standard iPhone 7 boasts the same, 2 GB as its predecessor.

What this means, in essence, is that the iPhone 7 Plus will load, run, and handle even the most demanding apps with ease — more efficiently then ever seen on an iPhone before. Couple that with Apple’s new quad-core A10 Fusion SoC, and you’re talking some serious power in the palm of your hand, my friends.

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