How to Type the ? Apple Emoji ? on a Desktop Computer (Windows and Mac)

How to Type the  Apple Emoji  on a Desktop Computer (Windows and Mac)
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Have you ever wanted to type the ? Apple symbol logo on your MacBook or Mac computer? It’s a neat little text glyph that can be used in a variety of ways, including saving space on social media and stylizing Apple devices the way Cupertino does.

Luckily, on any macOS or OS X device, typing out the ? Apple symbol is actually pretty simple. It requires a short keyboard shortcut that’s rather easy to remember.


To type the ? symbol, just press Option + Shift + K on your Mac device. It’s that simple.

Of course, it’s important to note that the ? Apple symbol typed out this way won’t display properly on unsupported operating systems, namely pretty much any operating system that’s not built by Apple — it’ll appear as a square placeholder glyph instead.


There is a way, however, to find and type the ? Apple symbol on a Windows machine. Here’s how to do that.

1. On a Windows machine, press the Windows and R keys.

2. This will launch the Run window. Type in “charmap” and hit enter.

3. This will open the Characters Map, which is a Windows program that has numerous special characters.

4. Select the Bakersville Old Face font form the drop-down menu.

5. Scroll down a bit until you see the Apple logo character. Select it, and right-click it to Copy.

6. Now, you can paste the ? Apple symbol wherever you want by right-clicking and hitting Paste, or using the Control+V keyboard shortcut.

Learn how to type the ? Apple symbol on iPhone and iPad.

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