Your MacBook’s Not Charging Anymore
If you have a MacBook, you already know about those moments when your heart skips a beat because your MacBook suddenly isn’t charging anymore.
If that happens, there are a few things you can do. First, you should check what’s causing this problem. Is it the charging cable, the charger, or your Mac’s port? Try using a different cable or charger if you have one, or use your Mac’s cable and charger on another device.
You can also use other outlets in your office or house to see if that fixes the problem.
You can also check if your charging cable and charger have any physical damage. It may be time to buy a new one if that’s the case. Make sure you’re also using a charger that provides enough wattage. For example, if you’re using your iPhone charger, it may not have enough power to charge your MacBook.
If that doesn’t do the trick, you should talk to Apple support and see how they can help you out.