Apple Mixed Reality Headset to Cost Around $1,999 | Apple Car Launch Accelerates to 2025

Apple-Immersive-Reality-Headset Credit: Andrush / Shutterstock
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Recently in his PowerOn newsletter, Mark Gurman claims the Apple Mixed Reality Headset will cost around $2,000, and he expects Meta’s (Facebook’s) to cost a bit less.

Apple will be making huge strides and laying the groundwork for Apple Glasses that are set to be coming in about 18-24 months.

Meta (Facebook) has already introduced its Facebook Glasses with Ray-Ban and the Metaverse which will be its main hardware focus for the future according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Apple’s Mixed Reality Headset is expected to be the “Mac Pro of all Mixed Reality Headsets.” The device is expected to gain more premium features while being lighter and thinner than any other headset.

Sources say the device’s design is expected to somehow be a “mix” of the AirPods Max and Apple Watch and will also feature a Digital Crown.

Mark Gurman also released a bombshell report that Apple is speeding up their release date for the Apple Car. In recent interviews with multiple publications Apple CEO, Tim Cook said regarding the Apple Car that “It’ll be like Christmas Eve for a while,” so we will have to wait patiently.

The new head of Project Titan is expected to be focusing on a fully autonomous vehicle, with no steering wheel – and Apple will revolutionize the EV market with this vehicle. Many Tesla customers responded on Twitter with comments like “Elon has a right to mock them” or “Tim Cook should’ve taken the meeting years ago.”

The Apple Car is expected to cost between $50,000 and $60,000 when released to the public. Would you buy the Apple Car? Let us know.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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