Apple AirPods Pro 2 + AirPods Max 2 in ’22, ’23 | Everything You Need to Know

AirPods Pro 2 Concept Render Credit: Konstantin Milenin / Twitter
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Apple AirPods are the best-selling wireless earbuds in the world. They are super easy to use, well designed, and their sound is better than most other headphones in the industry. I love my AirPods Pro, but I can’t wait to buy the AirPods Pro 2. Today I want to talk about the present and future of the “AirPods” brand (because that’s what it’s called right now). Let’s get started!

AirPods 2 | AirPods 3

Apple launched the AirPods 3 last year. I tried them out for a few days, and they sound and feel fantastic. They probably sound better than my AirPods Pro, but I chose not to replace them because I can’t live without Active Noise Cancelation. But if that’s not a priority in your case, I’d definitely advise you to buy the AirPods 3. On the other hand, Apple is having serious problems with the AirPods because people aren’t buying them at the rate Apple expected.

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Company insiders suggest that this is because Apple and authorized retailers kept the AirPods 2 in stock at a lower price than the AirPods 3, and people are buying the second generation instead of the third. That makes perfect sense.

If you go to Amazon right now, you’ll notice that the AirPods 3 are selling for ~$149.99, while the AirPods 2 are only ~$99.99. We’re talking about a 33% price difference here. Most of you reading this article would probably opt for the AirPods 3 since they’re better in every way, but that’s not the case for the majority of consumers.

We’re tech nerds, and we always want the latest technology – but we only make up a *very* small percentage of Apple’s sales. The average consumer doesn’t care about the AirPods 3’s “spatial audio” or “magical wireless charging,” they just want a pair of AirPods that they can pair with their iPhone, and if they can pay $99 instead of $149, they’ll do it.

That is Apple’s main problem, and from what I understand, the marketing team wants to avoid this in the next launch. I’m told that Apple doesn’t plan to keep in stock the AirPods Pro once the AirPods Pro 2 launch to avoid this problem.

AirPods Pro | AirPods Pro 2

If you’re looking for a pair of noise-canceling earbuds, I highly recommend waiting for the new AirPods Pro 2.

My sources suggest that Apple will launch them sometime in September or October, so they’re not that far off to justify buying the current generation. Unless you need them right now, I encourage you to wait. Every single aspect will be improved: the sound quality, the noise cancelation, the design, etc.

The price isn’t expected to change, although that all depends on inflation, as they won’t be any more expensive to manufacture than the current AirPods Pro.

Even though many people would like it, you shouldn’t expect them to come in multiple color options like the AirPods Max; instead will only be offered in white.

AirPods Max | AirPods Max 2

Finally, let’s talk about the AirPods Max and the AirPods Max 2. These headphones are fantastic. The sound is amazing, the noise cancelation works flawlessly, they’re super comfortable, the battery life is great, and the microphones sound better than any other headphone microphones at this price point.

I’d say there are only two bad things about the AirPods Max. The “carrying case” and the price. Apple plans to fix the former with the AirPods Max 2, but the latter will remain untouched.

People familiar with the matter who wish to remain anonymous discussing private information have mentioned that Apple employees are internally discussing a new hard case for the AirPods Max 2, rather than what they ship with now. I hope they don’t give up on this because I plan to buy the AirPods Max 2 and don’t want to deal with a useless carrying case since I travel a lot (and the current one is ridiculous).

From what I understand, the Cupertino-based company plans to greatly improve the sound quality of these headphones once it releases its alternative to Bluetooth. This will allow the headphones to receive way more data and play better quality music, thanks to a much lighter compression. Apple is also looking at ways to stream Hi-Res Lossless files over wireless headphones, thanks to its new proprietary codec, though I seriously doubt Apple will be able to introduce that feature anytime soon. Expect the new codec later this year, though, along with the AirPods Pro 2.

The Cupertino-based company also plans to add touch controls to the new AirPods Max and improve noise cancellation with an improved microphone arrangement.

The development is still at a very early stage, and many things can still change. Don’t expect these headphones in 2022; there is no chance.


2022 and 2023 look like big years for AirPods lovers. There will be many things to come, some of which I can’t talk about yet, but trust me when I tell you they’re awesome.

Make sure to follow iDrop News so you don’t miss on these leaks when I can share them.

In the meantime, let me sum up this article for you:

  • 2022 | AirPods Pro 2 with a new proprietary codec, a new design, better sound quality, and improved ANC.
  • 2023 | AirPods Max 2 with a new proprietary codec, greatly improved sound quality, touch controls, and a new hard case.

I can’t wait to buy both of these devices. Let me know in the comments below what you think and if you plan on buying a pair of AirPods. As always, have a fantastic day.

[The information provided in this article has NOT been confirmed by Apple and may be speculation. Provided details may not be factual. Take all rumors, tech or otherwise, with a grain of salt.]

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