Apple Car
When it comes to Apple’s secrets, one of the worst-kept ones has to be Project Titan. If you aren’t familiar, Project Titan is the Cupertino tech giant’s self-driving car project. It’s also one of Apple’s older secret projects, with rumors about it stretching back for years.
The Apple Car project wasn’t had the smoothest ride over the years, however. The endeavor has been plagued by staff restructurings and layoffs, as well as alleged corporate espionage. But despite the road bumps, Apple still appears to be hard at work making something for a vehicle.
That’s where the vagueness comes in. It isn’t clear what exactly Apple is working on in the automotive sphere. While certain reports indicated that the company is just developing the underlying systems for an autonomous vehicle, other rumors suggest that Apple is actually going to make a full-fledged car.
The Apple Car, if it turns out to be a car, is going to come packed with some extremely cool features however, like in-ride virtual reality and keyless operation. As far as when you’ll get to drive one, one renowned analyst says it’s due to arrive between 2023 and 2025.