No Copy and Paste
Many users of other smartphones at the time — Blackberry, Palm, Windows CE devices, and so forth — pilloried the iPhone for lacking copy and paste, which was a pretty important feature for smartphone users. Apple had made this a bit less necessary with advanced inter-app sharing capabilities, but it was still a pretty serious and annoying limitation.
The negative reaction to its omission didn’t really seem to impact iPhone sales that much, though. That’s likely because Apple was targeting the iPhone not at the 5 percent of the market who were already smartphone users (and by extension, had “power user” needs), but rather the 95 percent of mobile phone users who were toting “feature phones” because they found the smartphones of the day to be too complicated or intimidating.
Of course, Apple eventually did add copy and paste — and took the time to do it well. Like everything else about the iPhone, when the feature finally came along, it was far more intuitive than what anybody else had done before.